

Simple Things

Sometimes it's the simplist things that put a smile on our face and for me it was this Silver Tray from the Dollar store.  My friends have been talking about this silver tray for some time and I searched high and low for the tray and couldn't find it.  I spent so much time and money in the hunt for a item I would eventually pay $1 for but I knew I had to have it !

Finally 40 miles away from home one day I visited a Dollar store and low and behold the ELUSIVE SILVER TRAY. Jackpot ! had to have it and bought four (which is all they had left) in different sizes and shapes.

Immediately had to put one on the bedside table and will use the others to decorate for Christmas - we'll see.

One of the Silver Trays I purchased.

With Flash.

Without Flash.

Still Smiling :)

Please post a comment to let me know you visited.


  1. They look so cute! It is amazing the cool stuff you can find there. I like the one without the flash the best. Just so cute. I swear they look as nice as a silver tray that you would spend hours polishing! You go girl, with those elusive silver tray!

  2. A woman after my own heart. I love the Dollar store. I love the tray!!!!!


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