

The Countdown begins

10 days to Christmas...can you believe it?

I live in Florida and you wouldn't know it was Christmas by the weather here, a balmy 80 something degrees.  No sweaters, no boots, no scarves - we are living in shorts and flip flops in the middle of December.  The palm trees dance.

I long to see and experience a White Christmas.  The closest thing to white is the white sand on our beaches.

From my home to yours - Blessings to all this Christmas.

xoxo, Sylvia


  1. Merry Christmas to you Sylvia. Just think you never have to shovel sand off your driveway! LOL

    Your daughter is beautiful.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. hi Sylvia i will trade you in a minute,lol.i love the palm trees and the balmy weather..
    happy holidays from Silvia,lol..


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