

Valentine Giveaway

Just in time for Valentine's Day, I'm giving away a Porcelain Heart Night Light .  I have one in my guest bathroom and love it, it is so delicate, and turns on with or without a sensor.  This picture shows it lit up and the picture below shows it dark.

Ok - now to the rules:

1- The winner will be selected Thursday, February 4, 2010,
2- For one chance to win, post a comment on this post,
3- For a second chance to win, become a Follower,
4- For a third chance to win, post about this Giveaway on your blog and post back that you did.

Hope you love this as much as I do and Good Luck.


  1. Pick me, pick me! I am a follower also.
    Oh, I envy you so have a Home Goods near you. The closest one to me is in Atlanta ....2 hours away. I have been buying Home Goods gift cards and when I get to a certain $$ amount I am making the journey, I can't wait.

  2. Oh my daughter would love this fab night light...she loves hearts! And love your thrifty headboard btw...thanks for sharing and for linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!

  3. That is gorgeous. I would love to have one.

    Thanks for following me, I came by to sign up to follow you as well and get to enter a give-a-way--wheh hooo!

    I want to let you know that I have a BIG give-a-way starting on Sunday and it will be really fun. I am calling it SPREADING THE LOVE--cuz I love my FOLLOWERS. There are lots of gifts, from really cool vendors. Each week there will be SEVERAL winners--that is right it will be going on all month long. So you can come back each week and leave me a comment, to put your name in.

    You don't have to have a blog--you can e-mail me to enter your name.

    Followers get their name in once and if you have my button on your side bar your name will go in 5 more times.

    If you can double check your READER to see if you are getting my posts I would really appreciate it--for some reason Google has picked on me since the start of my blog and I always end up having them not post every few weeks.


  4. It is lovely, I love puffed hearts!

  5. What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

    Irma :)

  6. I just became a follower. Now I'm off to visit your blog. Please stop by when you get a chance.

    Irma :)

  7. Hi Sylvia. So cute! I love it. Please count me in. :)

  8. Thanks so much for the nice comment you left me! The heart nightlight is really pretty!

  9. Hi Silvia. Thanks for your post and the invite to your Giveaway. I've signed up as a follower and will come back and let you know as soon as I have your Giveaway posted to my sidebar. Cute heart!

  10. Thanks Sylvia. I've posted your giveaway to my sidebar..hope you get lots of traffic

  11. That is too cute Sylvia...and very kind of you to give it away. I will become a follower and post your giveaway on my side bar soon...


  12.'s me again....your on my side bar....i had a couple of minutes to spare...come check it out...


  13. Yay! I'm a follower - love it! Thanks for sending me over to check it out! =)

  14. Hi Sylvia, thanks for coming over to leave a sweet comment today. The heart night light is lovely (and your daughter is too!) ~ Janet~

  15. GORGEOUS!!! I would love to be entered Sylvia!!! I will follow and post ~ everyone loves a giveaway!! I hope you have a great Wednesday ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  16. Pretty and simple. Would love to enter your giveaway.

    First time here, enjoyed my visit.
    Have a great day.

  17. I would appreciate entering your giveaway. TYSM

    Happy Valentine's
    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  18. What a lovely nightlight. It would look great in our bathroom.

  19. Dear Sylvia!! Oh this is so beautiful!! I
    would love to win this!! Glad I found you, lovely Blog!! I am a follower now too!
    Hugssss Susan in Georgia

  20. I'm back...Posted your giveaway on my blog as well!!! Blessings Always!!!

  21. Thanks so much for your visit!
    And what a lovely giveaway, that night light is just beautiful!

    Oh, and I love the button frame you did, too!

    All the best,

  22. I collect hearts and I LOVE this one! Thank you for the opportunity to win. I'm a follower too.

  23. I love hearts and this is so pretty! Count me in! Thanks!

  24. Oh please enter me in your giveaway!!


I love your comments and look forward to reading each and every one of them,