

My First BOUNTY of the season

OK bounty is an overstatement but one can't help but be amazed by nature.

Last year I planted several pepper plants in my Earth Boxes.  Earth Boxes mimic the profesional gardeners setup but on a smaller scale.  When you use Earth Boxes for vegetables you add a layer of  dolomite to the potting mixture (and for some reason my dog Emma LOVES this stuff) .  She tore off the plastic screen covering the potting mixture and proceeeded to dig out all the dolomite and ate it all.  She destroyed two Earth Box sets.  I ended up putting the Earth Boxes on top of a table to keep it out of her reach.

So after Emma destroyed the setup, the plants stopped producing and I left them alone for a year.  Imagine my surprise when I went out there this morning to clean them up and prepare them for this year.  This is what I find:

You can see in this picture how Emma tore up the pastic screen covering up the soil and dolomite.

3 more peppers.

And this is Emma, she's as bad as she is sweet.

And Maggie,

And Tony.
All  Rescue Dogs.

So, what are YOU planting this season?

Linking up to Jamie at Him, Me, and Our Three - A Celebration of Green
and Outdoor Wednesdays at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. I am in love with Tony! Keelie glanced at him but she is much more interested in stealing Josh's bone. Don't you love earth boxes? I am planting peppers, corn, okra, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkin and melons. What I don't plant in my earth boxes I plant in my square foot garden beds. I am really enjoying your photographs, they are so good.

  2. Wow, peppers already! We just planted some ourselves this weekend...hoping for a yummy bounty like you have.

  3. Sylvia, I am so jealous of your peppers! My little yard just won't hold a veggie garden. Something to aspire to in my next home...

  4. Such cuties! It's too early to plant here but we do plant quite a few veggies later on and some herbs too. :)


  5. Great picture of GREEN! Those peppers look Delish! I hope to plant cucumber and tomato soon! Cant wait, as this will be my first attempt!

  6. Your dogs are all so cute! I have a rescue too!

    That was a nice surprise to find those peppers!


  7. Peppers look like they will be delicious. I have never had a vegetable garden. I have a houseful of picky eaters, no veggies for them. Joan

  8. What a nice surprise and delicious too. Dogs are sometimes a pain but they are sooo worth the trouble.

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Green pepper looks yummy. Red pepper is looking good too. Nice job!
    Joyce M

  10. Wow! Peppers already! I plan on planting tomatoes, zucchini, string beans and watermelon this year!


  11. Wow, that must have been a nice surprise. I just bought some bell pepper plants to put in our garden for this year. Haven't put them in yet although it is warm enough here. I'll probably get to it this weekend.

  12. Oh wow! What great peppers! I guess I better get my fanny in gear and get my planting done! Because of the wacky winter we have had, I am so far behind.

    Your furbabies are all adorable!

    ~ Tracy

  13. what sweet pooches! and lucky bounty you got!
    thanks for taking the time to comment about my candlestick birdbath! I was lucky!
    take care!


I love your comments and look forward to reading each and every one of them,