

Who knew ...

One word "macro". 

Amy at The Red Chair Blog visited one of my previous posts and saw that I had written that I might need a new camera because the pictures were comming out all blurry.  Amy told me to go to my camera booklet and see if my camera had a macro function.  What?  I just point and click.   I got lucky that I learned to download (or is it upload?)  the pictures.  Nevermind that it takes me forever to actually FIND the pictures I downloaded/uploaded (that's another story).

So Amy says, her camera has a "little flower" icon on it and that is the macro function she uses for closeups and this eliminates the blur.  MY camera had a lille flower icon too - whooo hooo !!!! (I couldn't find the owners manual) so I tested it with these pictures.

Nest with fresh garden greens.

Fresh roses from a climbing rose bush - can you say SPRING ?

So what do you think ? Aren't the pictures crisper?  Still don't have the hang of a camera but willing to try anything out just once.  Thanks Amy.


  1. I wish I could take pictures! Yours are wonderful. I know you are glad you did not have to buy a new camera.

  2. I'm so glad that this worked for you! Thanks for linking back to my blog too! Your pictures look great--I'm jealous of your roses!

    One other thing I've learned about the macro mode from my own point-and-shoot camera (a simple Canon Powershot A-80) is that the close-ups work best if you don't use the auto zoom to get close to your subject and instead just physically walk/move closer with your camera. My camera allows me to get really close (like two inches away) this way. Great for close-ups of tiny details like stitches on fabric. :)

  3. Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing that with us. I've got that little flower and the macro, too, but never knew what it was for.


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