

"Time" for an Update....

Today I received a package from a giveaway I won from Melaine at  My Sweet Savannah.  I couldn't open it fast enough.  It's a blue shabby clock hands from Wisteria.

Isn't she WONDERFULL ??????

Here's a closer look.
I hung her in my Family Room which is decorated in a modern dark version of French Country and she fits in perfectly with the browns, blues and yellow.  PERFECTLY.

Stop over and visit My Sweet Savannah and check out her beautiful blog you will not be disappointed.


This is what I woke up to this morning

Remember the lettuce, cucumbers and squash I planted two weeks ago?

And look how the chair I planted two weeks ago has already filled itself out.


  1. Those clock hands are a fantastic focal point in the room...LUCKY! And your flowers are bee you till full...don't cha' just love spring? Have a good one.


    ps. told my hubby about the bundt cake pan and he thought that was hysterical...till I asked him to drill holes in mine...I'm still waiting for him to do that.

  2. Hi Sylvia!
    The clock hands are great!!! Stand out well in your room. Congrats

    Flowers are magnificient!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Wow Sylvia, that's a GREAT win! I love it!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Wow! The hands are great! I'm visiting from 'the girl creative', and I'll be back!

  5. I found you via new friend friday @ TGC and those clock hands are perfection! I love the contrast of the wall color... YUMMY!!!! And your floral chair is gorgeous, I may just have to blog-snatch that one!

  6. The clock looks amazing! You are so lucky.

    Your flowers look fabulous too-what a lovely time of year!

    Best wishes and happy weekend,

  7. Hi Sylvia -
    I was happy to see that you had stopped by for a visit. Lucky, Lucky win those clock hands. They look fantastic on your wall! Your flowers are beautiful.....I have a metal chair that's missing the seat....I think I might steal...errr...borrow your idea :)

  8. Love the way it looks on the wall, very cool.

    Your plants are coming in beautiful. Like the chair pot especially.

  9. Hi, i love the clock hands they look great!! Your flowers look so pretty too! Thanks for stopping by my blog....Kathy


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