

Change and Inspiration ...

I  have been away for some time due to business with my day job. The only thing constant in business is CHANGE and boy am I getting a whiff of it now.  I am extremely grateful to have a job in these trying times and am not complaining in the least, rather expressing some challenges that are coming by way.

I  work for a very large company and have been at my current job for 17 years. Yes I have been through my ups and downs with this company, but few people stay at a job for 17 years unless they love the job and the company.  I love both.

The company is going in a new direction where almost everyone in my division will be re-training.  This will enable us to better service our clients.  The first problem is, the training consisted of two and a half days of one product and two and a half days of the second product. The second problem is, we go live with this new service model on June 1, 2010 and we just got back from training. Can you say STRESS.  We are all chasing our tails, learning as we go along and not letting on to our clients that we haven't been trained. STRESS.

So.. needed some relaxing pictures to distract me tonight and came across these....

I think I found these images on Cote de Texas.

Sorry I haven't been visiting you all lately but I promise to catch up this weekend.  Oh and I have some good stuff coming up so stayed tuned.



  1. These are great images-I love that site too!

    I hope that the busy times ahead don't stress you out too much.

    Best wishes,

  2. Hang in there, it will get better and you will find your balance. Im not a fan of change but I have learned(sometimes by force)that change actually can be good even though it makes you nuts in the beginning.

  3. Yeah, change is scary but your a smart'll get it. Can't wait to see what you've been up too.

    have a good one sylvia


  4. Hoping each day gets less stressful for you.

  5. Hi, Sylvia - I think my emails are going to your spam folder. I need your mailing address to send you the painting you won! I sponsored a giveaway day at Funky Junk and you won.

  6. I bet you will be just fine - I imagine that after seventeen years, you will be able to 'fly by the seat of your pants' during the change over.
    Good luck and congratulations on winning a painting!!!!!



I love your comments and look forward to reading each and every one of them,