

Wannabe Darcy

I have coveted the famous Darcy Chair since she first made her debut but at $425 a pop, no way was I going to splurge on them.

What called me to her was her feminine flair.  She is so graceful and I had to have her.  I wanted six but wasn't willing to put down a small fortune for them.

Image - Rachel Ashwell

So I have been on a mission ever since to try and find a wannabe Darcy chair and I think I found her.

What do you think? Close enough?

I love her feminine curves (just like Darcy's) and they are a dream to sit on.  I paid $65 a piece and got my 6 chairs.

Now on to my new dilema...
Do I paint them out white or light grey or keep them as is?  I do plan on making them a skirt (when I get brave enough to do it).  I would love your opinions.

Linking up to:
Sunday Showcase Party
Todays Thrifty Treasures
Nift Thrifty


  1. Those are darling!!! I would DEFINITELY paint them though :)) They take on a totally different look when you paint them!! And don't be afraid to tackle those skirts!!! I am planning to make some for mine as well... when I find the time,lol!! Would love to have you visit my blog and show you my chairs!!
    Your newest follower ~
    ~ Michella ~

  2. I say go-for-it with the white paint and skirt. You'll be extra pleased. They are very pretty.

  3. Definitly paint them white or light grey (the new "it" color). What a close match! I bet you were beside yourself when you found them. I know I would have been! Great job!
    Patricia :o)

  4. Oh Sylvia....I am jealous. Wherever did you find those here in Miami!!! I would paint them white and then give patina with some antiquing gel, then slipcover in white with ruffles! xo, Janet

  5. I think it is a great SCORE! Well I wouldn't paint them but would get Doug to when he gets home. LOL. I love the skirts on them also. I love that look with the cane backing. You did good!

  6. They are beautiful!! I say light grey--but I don't know the rest of your decor..Grey is just so inviting!! Good luck, would love to see the transformation!

  7. Gorgeous chairs...I would paint them a creamy white.

  8. I agree, paint them!! They are darling though, and with a fresh coat and some cute skirts you will definitely have some show stoppers! Great find!

  9. Gorgeous and great price. I would paint them.

  10. ooooh - paint them! I think very pale grey would look awesome. What a great deal! And, I like the shape of yours better than the originals.

  11. I would go with the color on the inspiration chair, Sylvia. Especially if you love that chair, I would copy it.

  12. Great find! I don't think you could go wrong with painting them either white or grey(tough choice)!


  13. How fun! I saw a tutorial over the weekend (& for the life of me I can't remember where!) where she painted layers of a pale blue gray, topped with a thinned whitish paint and then waxed. Maybe it was Anyway! I can't wait to see how these turn out!

  14. Make 'em look like the inspiration picture!!
    it's just paint~

  15. Hi could totally make it like the inspiration can do it!!~

  16. Hi Sylvia... Don't you just love it when you find what you are looking for? Great chairs, I would paint them, just like the Rachael's chair! Gorgeous... lucky you:-)

  17. Oh my goodness, Sylvia. How wonderfully lucky! I love the chair you have pictured that has been painted and has the white material on the seat cushion. I think they would look lovely like that.

    Congrats on your find!

  18. Those are lovely and very close to the ones you really wanted! Definitely I would paint them, grey would be nice with a white skirt! I'll have to add myself as a follower to your blog so I can see them when they're done:)

  19. Paint them dove'll offset all the wood color. I wanna see pics too! Awesome!


  20. Love them! I would definitely paint them. I am looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with them!

    ~ Tracy

  21. What a great find!
    the name of my blog is White Spray Paint, so guess what my vote is?

    I would paint them white and cover the chair seats in a white canvas (or slipcover).

    I love them!

    I am now a follower and I linked to the same party.
    Stop by,

    White Spray Paint

  22. Definitely paint them white!

    You lucky thing to find them for such a great price. I can't wait to see what you decide to do! Post lots of pictures please!!!!

    Best wishes for a fabulous week,

  23. Hi Sylvia, I love your chairs and I do think I will paint mine and they are reproductions and I knew this when I bought them but I figured it would make it easier to paint cause I wouldn't feel so guilty (; I say paint your chairs if thats what will make you happy, I love the RA chairs and they were my inspiration for my chairs. Have you looked at Dustylu's blog on my sidebar, she has the cane chairs too.


I love your comments and look forward to reading each and every one of them,