

Fall / Halloween Decor

I have been absent for so long I almost forgot how to get this post going.  I have had some changes in my day time life that have prohibited me from posting as often as I intended to.  My day job has taken me through so many changes in the past several months and the travel that has gone along with these changes has made it difficult to take time out for myself.  So for the last couple of weeks I have taken some time to decorate my Florida home for Fall.

Nope, Florida really doesn't have any seasons. Only season we ever see and feel is hot, humid Summer but I had felt the need to attempt to decorate my home in the rich colors and "feeling" of Fall.  I added Halloween to the mix - what is Fall without a little Halloween?

Thanks to all my Friends/Followers for sticking with me through my journey.

These are my Dollar Store wreaths, 1- rattan wreath, 2- fall garlands, 1- Fall flower bunch (cut it up and stuck the flowers where I needed to fill in) .  Not bad for $4 each.

Sideboard with some rafia pumpkins, turkeys that my daughter and I painted and put together, acorns and my bottles of poison.

What's your poison ?

A simple centerpiece (simple is in this year). A pumpkin soup tureen, the ladle is one of the leaves; sitting on a fall leaves placemat.

My Haunted House (terrible picture I know - don't know what happened to my crappy camera). I wanted you to see the details on the tree as well as the miniature skulls, spiders and pumpkins.

 Goblins and more goblins. 

A smiling glass pumpkin.  I light up the candle every night and the glow is amazing.

Love this bubble candle ! You can't see it in this picture, but when it's lit, the inside bubbles up and the ghosts and goblins move around.

Boo !! Aren't these the cutest ?

And last but not least, my absolute FAVORITE piece, a skeleton that my Daughter made in pre-school over 20 years ago.  It is made from paper plates and yarn.

Happy Fall everyone and many blessings this season.