

Wannabe Darcy

I have coveted the famous Darcy Chair since she first made her debut but at $425 a pop, no way was I going to splurge on them.

What called me to her was her feminine flair.  She is so graceful and I had to have her.  I wanted six but wasn't willing to put down a small fortune for them.

Image - Rachel Ashwell

So I have been on a mission ever since to try and find a wannabe Darcy chair and I think I found her.

What do you think? Close enough?

I love her feminine curves (just like Darcy's) and they are a dream to sit on.  I paid $65 a piece and got my 6 chairs.

Now on to my new dilema...
Do I paint them out white or light grey or keep them as is?  I do plan on making them a skirt (when I get brave enough to do it).  I would love your opinions.

Linking up to:
Sunday Showcase Party
Todays Thrifty Treasures
Nift Thrifty


Table Makeover

I have been away for so long I think I have forgotten how to take pictures.  The pictures that follow are so blurry and the light is so bad that it is almost embarassing.  I decided to use them regardless since I haven't posted in such a long  time I bet some of you thought I up and moved.

This is a table I had in my living, hand painted by someone (don't know who) .  I loved the curves of the table and the carvings and moldings but I felt they got lost in the creamy paint . 

SO out came the trusted supplies I already had on hand AND my helper:

And on to the finished product:

See the beauty of the carvings?

This picture shows the true grey color it is.

Linking up to:

Frugalicious Friday
Show and Tell Friday
Frugal Fridays
Saturday Night Special
Weekend Wrap Up
Favorite Things Friday
New Friends Fridays
Friday Furniture Feature
DIY Showoff
Just Something I Whipped Up
Motivate me Monday